Monday, October 4, 2010

War on the Middle Class

The GOP is waging all-out war on the middle class. Even though there are legions of Tea Partiers who are incapable of understanding that they will be voting AGAINST THEIR OWN ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL INTERESTS, the rest of us must clearly understand what's at stake in the 2010 midterm elections. Let's look at the tactics and objectives of this GOP war:

- Eliminate the minimum wage. Employers like Walmart who already do not pay a living wage can help even more of its employees qualify for government assistance - subsidized by we the middle class taxpayers.

- Privatize/curtail/eliminate Social Security so that we the middle class taxpayers can work even longer

- Roll back the Affordable Care Act so that we the middle class can rediscover the anxiety of worrying about - or experience the reality of - losing our health insurance care due to job loss, denial for pre-existing conditions, or simply because an insurance company doesn't want us as a customer any longer.

- Accelerate the growth of the National Debt that we the middle class taxpayers and our descendants will have to pay for. The GOP most recently advocates increasing the debt by $4 trillion by continuing the unpaid for Bush tax cuts for all income levels, nearly $1 trillion of which for an average $100k tax cut to the top 2% of income earners. In the 8 years Bush was in office, 6 years with a GOP majority in Congress, the Debt rose from $5.7 trillion to $10.7 trillion. Calculate it yourself:

- Bring back the Recession, along with a reversal of the steadily growth in job creation that we the middle class have seen since early in the Obama adminstration. Let's not have a double bikini:

- Let Wall Street go back to its hog wild, unregulated ways so we the middle class taxpayers can expect to bail em out again.

- Take another bite out of small businesses where so many of we the middle class taxpayers work. While the GOP thumps loudly about supporting small businesses, it acts and votes against them, most recently voting en masse against the Small Business Jobs Act which will - thanks to the Dems who passed it - make credit more available and provides $12 billion in tax breaks for small businesses.

Voting Democratic in November is a vote for we the middle class taxpayers.

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